Thursday 13 December 2012

A half tramp,ferry crossing to South Island and our first job!

Hi, we're back again. After having to drop out of a tramp because of a bad knee we wwoofed a little more at Gretel's, then crossed over to South Island with the ferry, wwoofed with Patricia and now started our first real job an the whole journey so far: cherry picking!

A map of our journey

 Spending a night at Gretel's after cleaning her windows. She prepared a wonderful roast for us...

 That's why we decided to make a German Christmas Stollen, which tasted great but the yeast didnt work. In the corner: Thomas' Adwunschskalender =)

Saying goodbye to Rob and Mike at the start of the Totara flats tramp in stormy weather..

...which turned out to be a rainstorm tramp on the first day. This usually is a beautiful lookout point. Unfortunately Thomas' knee started hurting that day.

Thomas on the swing bridge. The wind totally ripped our selfmade backpack-rainprotection.

The next day - the total opposite weather, but the knee not better :(

Beautiful views in the Totara flats - a 2 km long flat area in the midst of the mountains - awesome!

As the knee got worse with every step downhill we decided to drop out off the track at an intersection and not do the whole three days. This is another swing bridge at the end. We found out, that we were closest to Greytown, where Gretel lived and hitch hiked to her place though we could not get hold of her on the phone. So we just started working in her driveway and were so happy to see her smiling all over the face, when she came home and saw us! Thanks so much! =)

The next day we worked in her garden again. At night we met some people of her art group and one lady got us a job cherry picking on South Island =)
One day in windy Wellington ..

... a perfect day to spend in the Te Papa - the most amazing NZL National museum.

We actually spent the whole day in there and couldnt even see everything!
To the right: A gingerbread house out of 2000 kg of flour!
Afterwards we tried to find a place to put up our tent and wandered around for 1,5 hrs because nobody hab a front lawn as it is so hilly over there!

Finally we found a house with 2 m^2 of lawn, but Hong even invited us in! We had a lot of fun, eating fresh spring rolls and giving some piano lessons. Hong, you rock ;)
Our view from the breakfast table next morning. Almost better than...

... Wellington from the lookout point.

Lina trying to take a picture with selftimer. Very succesfully!

Hong took us to the place her partner works - at the top of a skyscraper, because he builds them!!

At her balcony

During the ferry crossing...

Hello, South Island! You ARE a beauty! At that night we busked again with our little wwoofing sign and apart from the 46 Dollars (which would have been exactly the amount to sleep in a backpackers) Patricia came up to us and invited us to her place! She turned out to be christian as well.

That's her and Peter, a friend. We had a great time and many inspiring conversations.

After three days we called the Richard, the cherry orchard owner and he offered us to tent at the vineyard and start working immediately! Thanks God!

What we see, when we close our eyes!

Almost every day looks like this from 8-12 in the morning: Beautiful weather (pretty hot), always looking the right size ad the right colour!
Swimming in a lagoon of the next river. We havent ever seen such blue water, unfortunately it looks green in the picture...

Thomas considers joining the Russian mafia to make more money ;)

Busking in front of countdown didnt even get us enough money to buy new groceries (19 bucks) and a gas cartridge at the warehouse. We were short off 5 Dollars and just started busking in front of the warehouse without asking. So we got told of when we had made 4 Dollars. A man who was just about to walk into the shop heard us talking to the security guy and said: "I'll buy you the cartridge, mate!" Wow! So we had 7 Dollars left to buy these two McFlurry!!!

Yesterday we hitch hiked into Blenheim and watched the Hobbit. Awesome movie!

1 comment:

  1. We check twice a week your blog ... and when there is a new one, we lol!
